Community News
Getting to know your local Real Estate Agent
Stephanie St. Pierre
by: Jerry Person
Real Estate Agent Stephanie St. Pierre
HUNTINGTON BEACH...This week we'll continue to get to know the people whose signs you may have seen on your neighborhood street corners that advertises an open house for sale or even who may have sold you your dream home in Huntington Beach.
This week we are privileged to get to know one of our longtime Realtor Stephanie St. Pierre who works with the Seven Gables Real Estate team.
Stephanie was born a twin with a brother in Los Angeles, which makes her a true native daughter of our golden state of California.
She would attend Serra High School in Whittier.
Her first real employment was selling shirts for a business in Whittier by phone and also magazines.
When Stephanie bought a home in Huntington Beach from a real estate agent and during the sale, the agent explained about being in the real estate and this interested Stephanie and so decided she might become one.
She received her license as real estate agent in 1978.
Her biggest thrill is meeting people learning just what they are looking for in a home and then making their dream come true.
About the only part of the business she would change is all the new regulations and paper work that now goes into buying a home.
She enjoys reading as a past time that is when she able to find the time in her busy schedule.
Stephanie is recognized among an elite class of real estate professionals as having an outstanding reputation for marketing distinguished properties, pursuing extensive training and retaining a broad knowledge of the local market.
Stephanie's Business Ph 714-404-6411
Huntington Beach News 18582 Beach Blvd. #236 Huntington Beach, CA 92648
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