Community News

Anaheim Restoring Public Spaces

by: Anaheim PIO
Published: February 10, 2025



ANAHEIM...We have been restoring parks, freeways, railways and other spaces as part of a citywide effort we call Restoring our Public Spaces.

The impact can be seen across Anaheim, and we're also providing help to those we encounter.

Our latest efforts include west Anaheim.

We've added high-visibility cameras to Maxwell and Twila Reid parks. You can't help but see them, and that's the point.

Cameras are monitored by police and other city staff.

Everyone is welcome in our parks, but we need to abide by rules for the benefit of all who enjoy our parks.

Cameras have been a big part of our efforts addressing issues at Chaparral, La Palma, Pearson and other parks as well as other spots around our city.

We also recently cleared a large, dangerous encampment near railways and in open space under power lines near Nutwood Street in the area of Brookhurst Street and Katella Avenue (pictured above).

In response to concerns of residents whose homes back up to the area, we cleared a large encampment on Jan. 25.

We continue to see challenges in the area. So in the days and weeks ahead, we'll be clearing the area again and removing bushes and other brush, adding fencing and making other landscaping changes to deter encampments.

All of our efforts are done with compassion and a goal of helping all we encounter.

No one should be living along railways or under power lines. It's inhumane, unsustainable and unacceptable for working families in nearby neighborhoods.

Anaheim leads Orange County in providing daily social worker outreach, emergency shelter, substance abuse, mental health and other care as well as transitional and long-term supportive housing.

When someone is breaking the law and finds themselves in court, we will be there to offer services as an alternative to jail through our Access program, where our city prosecutors work with judges and public defenders to offer recovery services.


Huntington Beach News 18582 Beach Blvd. #236 Huntington Beach, CA 92648

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