Pacific Airshow vs Common Sense


Sometimes I really believe that California is a place where common sense goes to die!

You may have been following the lawsuit brought by Pacific Airshow LLC against against our former mayor Kim Carr when she cancelled Pacific Airshow's last day event in 2021 because of an unforseen oil spill.

Part of a mayor's responsibility is to protect not only its citizens, but also the visitors to our city in emergency situations. City Officials like mayor, police chief, fire chief, city manager and public works personal should be immune from liability when acting during an unforseen emergency that could harm human and animal life.

This is just common sense, "but of course this is California."

This last Tuesday Orange County Superior Court Judge Jonathan Fish ruled that Carr was immune from liability.

How dare Judge Fish use common sense in his California ruling. Does he not know that California doesn't use common sense anymore, just look at the Disneyland to the north called Sacramento. No gasoline vehicles or gas stoves.

Then maybe the following frivolous lawsuits could be filed against Pacific.

1. Pacific vs fido for the sonic noise from planes causing irreparable damage to their hearing.

2. Pacific vs audience on beach that airplanes emit possible toxic gases that could cause cancer or zits on noses.

3. Pacific vs resident dwellings of possible crash damage from low flying, high speed aircrafts.

Maybe this year instead we could have Goodyear blimp air races and balloon jumping.

Judge Fish concluded that Carr’s alleged ‘unilateral decisions’ to cancel the remainder of the 2021 airshow after the oil spill occurred on Oct. 21, 2021 qualifies as a discretionary act within the meaning of government code of common sense.

Thank you Carr for using Common Sense in an uncommon sense California.

HB resident

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