Sit down, close your eyes and let your mind form the images as you relive the golden age of radio programs. Each week we'll feature a different and exciting program in MP3 format. Just click on the radio image below to be transported back in time.

This Week


Dr Christian


My True Valentine

February 14, 1940


Jean Hersholt starred in the motion picture series about a small town doctor cares for, and is confronted by the lives of its citizens. The movie Meet Dr. Christian, released in 1939, began a string of six films that were released until 1941. All starred Jean Hersholt, and it was a natural to spin off the movies as an old time radio show. The show first ran on Sunday afternoons, and that was a perfect time slot, even if the National Football League was already well into its second decade. Also, the show was not overtly religious, but more deeply ethical and humanitarian in its precepts. It called itself "absorbing, heart-warming drama."

The story lines of Doctor Christian were meant to be representative of small town life in America when it lived a simpler, perhaps more honest life. Certainly it was less hurried. In the late 1930s, America was living that a time when a small town was a little place filled with people that you knew, almost all of whom you had grown up with, and unless you left, people whose lives you would know for the rest of your life. The town's physician was in many ways a center of the community. Birth, life, and death all called upon him for assistance, and in giving it, the small town physician grew to be more than just a member of his little community. For Doctor Christian, the town is called River's End -- he watches over his community, as life goes on all around him. Judy Price is his able and intelligent Secretary who keeps his office and appointments on an even keel.

  Huntington Beach News

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