Huntington Beach News STAFF


Editor Louis Paul Hart in suit and hat on right about 1915



Having begun with a paper edition in 1904 in Huntington Beach and in the years since, we continue to bring you the news of the people and events that other media's bypass.

In the pages of the Huntington Beach News newspaper we recorded the happenings of generations of our residents and in 1996 that we went to the web to continue to bring you the news and happenings of our city and it's people.

With the advent of the Internet in the 1990s, we saw that it had the advantage of delivering the news faster to both in-town and out-of-town residents while still continuing to stay independent of large media corporations.

The Huntington Beach News will remain independent and has been since 1904.

Ever since the first year edition was published in August 1904, the Huntington Beach News has seen a long line of editors in those 100+ years. Beginning with U. Syd Lemon, editors have watched and reported the growth of Huntington Beach from a small beach town to a mega-city of today. For approximately six months U. Syd Lemon published the Huntington Beach News on a simple hand press with the type set by hand before turning the reins over to E.W. Hoag. In August 1996, the country became fascinated with something called the "internet" and it became clear to the staff that this was a way to deliver the news right now and so the paper edition was ended and the Huntington Beach News became the first local internet E-paper to report the news about the people and events in Huntington Beach.

The following is a list of those editors:

U. Syd Lemon
E.W. Hoag
Raymond Wayman
Louis Paul Hart
James Conrad
Jim Farquhar
George Farquhar
Valeria Estrada
Jack Loether
Tom Krogstad
Jeff Brown
Jack Kelly
Jerry Person

The Huntington Beach News is updated continually for the enjoyment of our friends living in Huntington Beach and abroad.

The Huntington Beach News is not responsible for any contents or claims made in any story or cyber ad appearing on this website.

Reproduction in whole or in part for commercial uses is strictly prohibited.


Editor and Publisher: Jerry Person

(V) Reporters: Karen Topolewski, John "ski" Topolewski, Josh Sanchez, Chris MacDonald, John Piekarski

Office Address: 18582 Beach Blvd. #236 Huntington Beach, CA 92648

Mailing Address: Huntington Beach News P.O. Box 413 Huntington Beach, CA 92648

Phone: (714) 488-6964


Huntington Beach News Nameplates through the years


1905 Newpaper


1911 Newspaper


1941 Newspaper


1980 Newspaper


1993 - 1996 Newspaper


2000 Internet E-paper


2004 Internet E-paper


2010 - Today Internet E-paper



The Huntington Beach News Staff Hard at Work



  Huntington Beach News

Huntington Beach News 18582 Beach Blvd. #236 Huntington Beach, CA 92648  